Sunday, November 28, 2010

Long Time, No Blog

It has been a long time since I have blogged. My life has been very busy. Like I said in my last post I am pregnant. Recently was Thanksgiving. I had to work, since I am a waitress. My kids had dinner at home with their dad. Then my 13 year old daughter wanted me to go shopping on black Friday. So I did. Boy, was that a mad house. Christmas is next month already! Busy, Busy!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'm Pregnant

About 2 to 3 weeks ago I found out I was pregnant, with my fourth child. All of my previous pregnancies I planned on having the kids. This time it was a total surprise! And I have been hit the hardest in my first trimester; feeling sicker than any other of my pregnancies. Hope all goes well!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Playing outside.

Today my 2 year old was outside in the garage/driveway playing with his basket of bouncy balls. At one point he was throwing them down the driveway (which is at a slant downwards). So they went into the road. And 2 boys (about 10 years old) snagged them and took them into their house. So I went out and said "Did you two see any of his bouncy balls go across the street?" And one of them said "Um yeah, we found 2 marbles, 3 bouncy balls, and a golf ball." And they went into their house, came back outside and gave them back. I can't believe they were going to steal them! Well at least I caught them in time....

Thursday, August 5, 2010

In control?

So today my 2 year old said "I want to play outside." So I said "Ok then lets go get some play clothes on you." And I got his shirt on, but then when I grabbed a pair of pants he said "I don't like those pants" So I grabbed another pair and he said "no not those pants." Then I said "fine you pick". So he picked the exact same pair of pants I chose out the first time. He just wants to be in control!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dentist appointment

Today my older kids had a dentist appointment. Since we recently moved they hadn't been to the dentist since we moved. So this was their first time at this dentist they complained how it was so where near as nice or high tech. And the whole time my 2 year old was being really loud playing in the waiting room, so this older lady kept glaring at us. Then afterwards I took them to get a smoothie from a fast food place and the minute my 2 year old saw where we were, he said "I want fry fries." Which is what he calls french fries. Oh what a day.

Clown Face!

So tonight my 10 year old daughter came out of the bathroom, with a clown face. She used her play make-up and turned herself into a clown! First my 2 year old has tattoo arms, now this! And there are before and after pictures!

Tattoo Arms...

So today, my 10 year old gave my 2 year old sleeves of tattoos. He always asks for tattoos when he sees her wearing them. So they did a lot. He has 2 arms full of tattoos, and he says "I am a BIG MAN"! He thinks he is so tough, it's so cute! :)